Bedside manner, skillful and compassionate.

From patient histories to progress notes.

A pulse of hope, a measure of care.

From ECG to EEG, we read the rhythms of life.

Anatomy charts and cadavers, our companions.

Case studies to case files, our journal of growth.

Striving for excellence in the field of medicine.

Attitude like a scalpel, precise and focused.

We're the next generation of medical marvels.

In the pursuit of knowledge to save lives.

Stethoscope around the neck, dreams in the heart.

Learning by heart, saving lives is an art.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. Hippocrates

Microscopes and medical journals, our arsenal.

Rise and grind, medical grind.

The doctor of the future will be oneself. Albert Schweitzer

Diagnostic precision, therapeutic vision.

Med student vibes, making knowledge thrive.

Injecting knowledge, curing the world's problems.

Every diagnosis is a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Taking notes and taking charge.

Injections, infusions, and in-depth discussions.

In the library, in the clinic, in the community.

Day by day, inching closer to the MD.

Behind every diagnosis, a story of perseverance.

Stethoscope melody, heartbeat symphony.

The greatest wealth is health. Virgil

Time is generally the best doctor. Ovid

Lab coats and patient notes, our daily stories.

From clinic doors to OR floors, we're prepared.

Class to clinic, we're learning to heal.

The best doctor gives the least medicines. Benjamin Franklin

Stethoscope in hand, ready for the day's plan.

Med school dreams, heart and soul team.

Pharmacology notes and patient dialogues.

A library of knowledge, a toolkit for healing.

Pulse check, knowledge at peak.

Prep your scrubs, we're saving lives today.

Solving puzzles, saving lives.

Inspiring change through the power of medicine.

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