Babies are bits of stardust, blown from the hand of God. Barretto

Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives.

Babies are like little suns that, in a magical way, bring warmth, happiness, and light into our lives. Kartini Diapari-Oengider

Babies are always more trouble than you thought - and more wonderful. Charles Osgood

It's extraordinary to look into a baby's face and see a piece of your flesh and your spirit. It makes you realize you are a part of the human race.

It's extraordinary to look into a baby's face and see a piece of your flesh and your spirit. It makes you realize you are a part of the human race. Liam Neeson

A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. Eda J. Le Shan

A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes, the sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose!

A baby is a dancing joy of life. Debasish Mridha

A baby's smile has the power to heal and to bring joy like nothing else in the world.

Babies are always more trouble than you thought and more wonderful. Charles Osgood

A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it. Frank A. Clark

Babies control and bring up their families as much as they are controlled by them; in fact, the family brings up baby by being brought up by him. Erik H. Erikson

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.

A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.

A baby is sunshine and moonbeams and more brightening your world as never before.

A baby is born with a need to be loved and never outgrows it. Frank A. Clark

A baby is as pure as an angel and as fresh as a blooming flower. Debasish Mridha

Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. Elizabeth Stone

Babies are such a nice way to start people. Don Herrold

A baby is a blessing. A gift from heaven above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.

A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on. Carl Sandburg

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