A selfie a day keeps the friends away.
Selfies are for those who have too much time and too little self-esteem.

A selfie is the purest form of self-love.
Selfie: Proof that I exist in this moment.
The best selfies are the ones that capture the moment, not the pose.

A selfie is worth a thousand likes.

Selfie: The art of taking pictures of oneself to prove to the world that one actually exists.
In a world full of filters, dare to be unfiltered.
Selfie: A way to prove to your future self that you had friends.
Selfie: A picture that is worth a thousand words, but makes you speechless.
Selfie: A reflection of your inner self, filtered through a camera lens.

Selfie: Because sometimes you need a picture of yourself for your social media profile.
The best selfies are the ones that aren't.
Selfie: A modern form of self-expression.
A selfie is a way to immortalize yourself in pixels.
Selfie: Because sometimes you have to be your own hero.
Selfie: The word people use to explain why they're staring at their phone in public.
Behind every selfie, there is a long list of failed ones.

The problem with selfies is that they never show the real you.
Life is like a camera. Focus on what's important, capture the good times, and if things don't work out, take another shot.