Twitter is not a technology. It's a conversation. And it's happening with or without you.

Twitter is not a technology. It's a conversation. And it's happening with or without you. Charlene Li

The thing about Twitter is, you don't know if someone's happily married with a baby or if they're a serial killer. It's a crazy world. Kelly Oxford

Twitter is like a refrigerator; if you open it every five minutes to see if there's anything new, you'll either get fat or stupid.

On Twitter, we get excited if someone follows us. In real life, we get really scared and run away.

Twitter is a great place to tell the world what you're thinking before you've had a chance to think about it. Chris Pirillo

On Twitter we get to write the world's shortest book reviews: 'Fuck you, read it.'

On Twitter we get to write the world's shortest book reviews: 'Fuck you, read it.' Mark Richardson

Twitter is not a technology, it's a conversation – and it's happening with or without you. Charlene Li

Twitter is like a fridge. If you're bored, keep opening it and looking, but if you have work to do, the best thing is to walk away.

Twitter is the cocktail party from hell.

Twitter is not for the faint of heart. Its simplicity is what makes it so compelling, but it's also what makes it so easy to mess up. Biz Stone

Twitter is the bar we all go to for conversation and connection.

Twitter is the bar we all go to for conversation and connection. Jess Lee

Twitter is to social media what haiku is to poetry: small in size, but capable of great impact.

Twitter is to social media what haiku is to poetry: small in size, but capable of great impact.

Twitter is one of the best ways to interact with fans, and you also get to see how people react to your music in real-time. Austin Mahone

Twitter is ultimately a word-of-mouth amplifier. Rebecca Lieb

Twitter is the literary genre of the 21st century. Rebecca Makkai

On Twitter, you feel within arms reach of the famous, but on Facebook, you feel like you're stuck in traffic with them.

Twitter is the most fun you can have online in 140 characters or less.

Twitter is the best form of procrastination that's ever been created. Lewis Black

Hashtags for Captions on Twts Vibes

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