Tweeting because adulting is hard and I need distractions.

In a world of tweets, be the tweet that stands out.

140 characters can't contain this level of creativity.

I tweet, therefore I am... slightly addicted to social media.

My tweets might be brief, but my presence on Insta isn't.

My thoughts are like tweets, short and often ignored.

My life is a series of tweets, mostly just random characters.

Tweeting may be short-lived, but these memories last forever.

140 characters aren't enough to contain these vibes.

Trying to fit my entire life into 280 characters... it's a challenge.

On Twitter we get to write the world's shortest book reviews: 'Fuck you, read it.'

On Twitter we get to write the world's shortest book reviews: 'Fuck you, read it.' Mark Richardson

My Twitter game is strong, but my Insta game is stronger.

If my life were a tweet, it would probably get lost in the timeline.

Twitter is the bar we all go to for conversation and connection.

Twitter is the bar we all go to for conversation and connection. Jess Lee

Life is too short for long tweets. Keep it short and sweet.

My life is like a Twitter feed, full of randomness and occasional wisdom.

Joining the chorus of voices in the Twitter symphony.

Twitter is the most fun you can have online in 140 characters or less.

Embrace the 280 characters and tweet your heart out!

Twitter is the best form of procrastination that's ever been created. Lewis Black

Hashtags for Captions on Twts Vibes

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