Winter may be coming but so are #dragons Prepare yourself.
The night is dark and full of terrors Keep your #allies close.
Blood sweat and #strategy - the essence of the game.

It's not whether you #win or lose it's how you #play the game..
The road to victory is paved with challenges Keep #playing.
From dragons to direwolves the game is full of #surprises.
Winterfell King's Landing - it's the #journey that matters.
#Power resides where men believe it resides Beware.
#Games are a compromise between intimacy and keeping intimacy away.
Valar Morghulis - every character has their part to #play.
In every real man a child is hidden that wants to #play.
In the game of #memes you either laugh or you scroll.
Channeling my inner Khaleesi because in the game of life you #win or you die.

Life is a game and we're just #playing the parts we've been given.