We're #thrilled to announce the grand opening of our store Join us for a day filled with #excitement..
It's time to turn the key and #open our doors to you Join us for our grand #opening festivities..
Witness the beginning of something #special at our store.
Join us as we #welcome you with #open arms Our grand #opening is a celebration of community...
Get ready for a whole new shopping #experience.
Get ready to shop 'til you drop Our grand opening #event is your ticket to amazing deals.
#Welcome to our brand new space Let's create memories together starting from our grand opening.
I find that when you #open the door toward #openness and transparency a lot of people will follow you through..
We're rolling out the red carpet for you Join us at our grand opening for a VIP #experience.
We've been waiting for this moment Join us for our grand opening and #experience something #special..
New beginnings are always #special Join us as we inaugurate our store with a grand opening.
Get ready for an unforgettable #experience Our grand opening is just around the corner.
It's not just a store opening it's a grand #event Join us.
#Welcome to our newest venture Join us as we kick off our grand opening #festivities..
We're excited to #welcome you to our grand opening Come celebrate with us and discover something new.
It's official Our store is now #open for business Come celebrate with us at our grand #opening #event...
Get ready to #experience something extraordinary.
Our doors are #open and our hearts are full Join us for our store's grand #opening celebration..
Exciting news Our doors are officially #open welcoming you to explore our latest collections.
Lights on doors #open It's time to make some memories.
An #open heart is an #open mind..
#Welcome to the fun house We're officially #open for business..
Doors are #open smiles are wide Come on in and take a look inside.
It's a day of celebration Join us as we cut the ribbon and #open our doors to the community.