It's all spin; it's all in the spin. That's the whole game. David Byrne

Spin is the fine art of making anything look good. Sherry Argov

Spin is a polite word for a lie. Spinners mislead by means of truth, just as effectively as by means of falsehood. David Brin

Spin doctors are a modern plague. If there was any justice in the world, they'd be made to live in their own bulletins. Terry Pratchett

Spin is the art of making clothes out of cobwebs. Paul Valery

Spin is spin, and the facts are facts. Harold Evans

The best spin is the spin you can put on your own ball. Martin Firrell

Spin is the language of politics, and it's our obligation to master it. Frank Luntz

Spin is not necessarily lying. It's the point of view that creates the spin. Dee Dee Myers

Spin is a uniquely American trait. David Mamet

There is a lot of spin in politics; there is a lot of spin in life. John Key

Spin is not news; it's entertainment. John Stauber

The problem with spin is not the spin itself but when it becomes an alternative to truth.

The problem with spin is not the spin itself but when it becomes an alternative to truth. Jeane Kirkpatrick

Spin is the polite word for deception. Orrin Hatch

In the world of spin, timing is everything.

In the world of spin, timing is everything. Edward L. Bernays

Spin is to political speech what excess is to fast food. George F. Will

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Winston Churchill

Spin is like air: it's everywhere, and we all breathe it.

Spin is like air: it's everywhere, and we all breathe it. Brian Koslow

Spin is sometimes the only way to deflect the arrow of truth. Sara Sheridan

The truth is the most important thing. Without it, the spin doctors can take over.

The truth is the most important thing. Without it, the spin doctors can take over. Tommy Douglas

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