A timeless silhouette against the city canvas – the Empire State Building.
Reaching new heights of elegance at the Empire State Building. A masterpiece in the sky!
Capturing the essence of architectural grandeur in steel and glass.
Architectural marvels that inspire awe.
Gazing up at the masterpiece of steel and stone.
Standing tall, telling tales of architectural mastery.
Where dreams touch the sky, the Empire State Building whispers tales of ambition and grandeur.
Ascending to new heights of architectural brilliance.
Elegance etched in steel – the Empire State Building defines architectural finesse.
Finding solace in the city's embrace.
Elevating city skylines with its timeless allure – the Empire State Building.
In the shadow of greatness, the Empire State Building rises as an architectural marvel. A monument to progress.
Rising above the rest, the Empire State Building is an epitome of urban sophistication.
Touching the sky, one step at a time.
The city's crown jewel, gleaming in the sunlight.
Breathtaking views from the top of elegance.
A silent giant in the cityscape, the Empire State Building whispers tales of architectural grandeur.
City lights dance on the architectural canvas of the Empire State Building. A breathtaking nocturnal masterpiece.
Architecture is a dangerous mix of power and importance.
Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.
Reaching new heights with style.
Living life on the top floor of elegance.
Majestic heights of urban design.
To me, a building - if it's beautiful - is the love of one man, he's made it out of his love for space, materials, things like that.
An icon that pierces the clouds – the Empire State Building is poetry in steel and stone.
Admiring the city from the top of the world. The Empire State Building, where architecture meets the sky!
To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.
From the ground to the sky, the Empire State Building narrates the story of architectural triumph.
Elevating the cityscape to new heights.
Towering ambition, timeless design.
Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.
Elegance soaring above the hustle and bustle.
In the heart of the city, the Empire State Building stands tall and proud. A symbol of architectural brilliance!
Up close and personal with architectural brilliance. The Empire State Building, an urban masterpiece.
Architecture is a language. When you are very good, you can be a poet.
Architectural opulence personified in the Empire State Building's towering silhouette.
Architecture should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
Rising high with structural splendor.

Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.
Marveling at the architectural symphony of steel and glass. The Empire State Building, an urban opus.
Elevating cityscapes and capturing hearts – the Empire State Building in all its glory.
Architecture should be rooted in the past and yet be part of our own time and forward-looking.
Standing among giants, the Empire State Building defines architectural excellence. A testament to human ingenuity!
Where the skyline meets elegance.
A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.
Rising high, staying classy.
Admiring the precision and strength woven into the very fabric of the Empire State Building.
Beneath the towering heights, a sense of wonder.
Where steel meets sky, the Empire State Building stands as a symbol of urban aspiration.
Architecture is the learned game, correct and magnificent, of forms assembled in the light.
A skyline adorned with architectural poetry. The Empire State Building, a verse in steel and glass.
Looking up to greatness, quite literally.
Embracing the sky with timeless sophistication.
Piercing through the skyline with grandeur.
Where dreams rise as high as the buildings.
The mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own, we have no soul of our own civilization.
Captivated by the towering beauty of the Empire State Building. A timeless masterpiece that commands attention.
Embracing the skyline with grace, the Empire State Building defines modern marvel.
Gracefully dominating the urban landscape.

Architecture is not based on concrete and steel, and the elements of the soil. It's based on wonder.
Each beam whispers tales of architectural brilliance.
Great buildings that move the spirit have always been rare. In every case, they are unique, poetic, products of the heart.
Piercing through the clouds, a beacon of architectural excellence.
Gazing up at the architectural masterpiece that touches the clouds. Empire State Building, a skyward symphony.

Architecture is the thoughtful making of space.

Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.
A doctor can bury his mistakes, but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.
Rising above the city chaos, the Empire State Building stands as an architectural beacon of serenity.
Elegance in every steel beam and glass pane.
Architecture is really about well-being. I think that people want to feel good in a space.
Every angle tells a story of architectural mastery – the Empire State Building.