In skateboarding, you're never bigger than the streets. It's all about the streets. You can't forget that.

Skateboarding is training, but I don't think of it as training. It's fun.
The joy of skateboarding is in the streets; it's a way of life, and it's the best way to learn about yourself.

Skateboarding doesn't make you a skateboarder; not being able to stop skateboarding makes you a skateboarder.

Skateboarding is a poetry of motion. It's this amazing thing to watch, and it's a beautiful thing to create.
Skateboarding is not a crime. Well, it is, but fuck it, let's do it anyway.
Skateboarding is not about being judged. It's not about trying to be the best at something. It's about enjoying the little victories.
Skateboarding is a way to let out your energy, like when you're riding a bike or running, but you're doing something with the board.

Skateboarding doesn't make you a loser. Not wanting to get better makes you a loser.
Skateboarding is an individual sport. It's you against the world.
Skateboarding is an action sport. Kids are passionate about it. They want to go skateboarding every day.
Skateboarding doesn't make you a skateboarder. Not being able to stop skateboarding makes you a skateboarder.
I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle, and a sport. 'Action sport' would be the least offensive categorization.
Skateboarding is an addiction of a positive kind. It's a lifestyle. It's something that you live.
Skateboarding is an art, a lifestyle, a sport, and a way of expression all in one.