Life is a series of exchanges. Each exchange leads us to the next.
Exchange ignorance for knowledge, and you will find enlightenment.
Exchange your expectations for appreciation and your world changes instantly.
Exchange forgiveness for peace of mind.
Exchange advice with the wise, but talk to the ignorant only if necessary.

Exchange not dignity for popularity.
Every exchange has its price; be sure you are willing to pay it.
Exchange excuses for effort, and watch your life transform.
In the exchange of love, we find our richest treasures.
The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity.
Words are the coins making up the currency of sentences, and there are always too many small coins.
To exchange a dream for a nightmare is the work of a lifetime.
Exchange hate for love, and you will find peace.
Exchange fear for courage, and you will conquer the world.
Give what you have, to someone it may be better than you dare to think.
Every exchange is an opportunity for growth.

True success is not measured by what you gain, but by what you exchange.
In the exchange of kindness, both giver and receiver are enriched.
Exchange the love within you for the love around you, and see how it multiplies.

The exchange of ideas is the greatest conversation of all.