Scotland's national drink is whisky, not Irn-Bru. David Cameron

To see her is to love her, / And love but her forever; / For nature made her what she is, / And never made another. Robert Burns

Scotland is the Canada of England! Rainn Wilson

We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.

We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation. Voltaire

For we are met here to make merry, drink good health to the out-going year, and wish that its successor may be even prosperous as the last was happy.

For we are met here to make merry, drink good health to the out-going year, and wish that its successor may be even prosperous as the last was happy. Sir Walter Scott

The Scottish people are proud and fiercely independent. Douglas Hurd

Scotland has the potential to be a world leader in renewable energy. David Cameron

Scotland is a small but important country in the world.

Scotland is a small but important country in the world. Jack McConnell

Scotland's greatest export is its people. Nicola Sturgeon

A man's a man for a' that. Robert Burns

The Scottish sun, if it ever shines, will melt it before you can get a camera. Kevin Keegan

The Scots are a hardy people, used to harsh conditions. Alistair Darling

I'm not a Scotch-Irishman. I'm a Scotsman. Sean Connery

Give me a spark o' Nature's fire, / That's a' the learning I desire.

Give me a spark o' Nature's fire, / That's a' the learning I desire. Robert Burns

Scotland is a beautiful country with a rich heritage and vibrant culture. Ewan McGregor

There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing. Robert Burns

The Scots have a vibrant and rich culture. Alex Salmond

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