Saturday is a day for the spa. Relax, indulge, enjoy, and love yourself, too.
Middle age is when you're sitting at home on a Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn't for you.
Saturday is a day of rest for families.

Saturdays are for adventures, Sundays are for cuddling.

Saturday morning was come, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and brimming with life.

Saturday is a day when I don't have to look at the clock.
Saturday morning, you knew what was cool by what was on 'Soul Train.'
Saturdays and Sundays, America's got the weekends off.
Saturday is a day of rest, and I relax with the help of a good book.
Saturday mornings, I've learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the face.
I'm a Saturday nighter. I love going out and having people watching me, possibly admiring me.
Saturday night is when my hair would be fixed up and that's gone.