The joy of brightening other lives becomes for us the magic of the #holidays.
The best way to spread #Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

A lovely thing about #Christmas is that it's compulsory like a thunderstorm and we all go through it together.
#Christmas is a season for kindling the fire for hospitality in the hall the genial flame of charity in the heart.
Santa Monica #wanderlust kicking in 🌴.

He who has not #Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.

#Christmas isn't a season It's a feeling.
#Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.
I will honor #Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year.
Sleighin' it in Santa Monica – where #Christmas meets the coast.
There is no ideal #Christmas; only the one #Christmas you decide to make as a reflection of your values desires affections traditions..
#Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and behold everything is softer and more beautiful.
#Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.
Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy; who gives himself by thought or word or deed in every #gift that he bestows.

The only blind person at ##Christmastime is he who has not #Christmas in his heart...