The smallest things are most worthy of our troubles, for they can spark the biggest rumors. Benjamin Franklin

Rumors are like ripples in a cornfield. They show up in unexpected places, and by the time you see them, the damage is already done. Garrison Keillor

A rumor is like a spark in a dry forest; if not extinguished, it can lead to an uncontrollable wildfire of misinformation.

The way a rumor spreads is like wildfire; no one knows where it started, but it can burn everything in its path.

The way a rumor spreads is like wildfire; no one knows where it started, but it can burn everything in its path.

The more you try to extinguish a rumor, the brighter it seems to burn. Sometimes, silence is the best defense.

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice, yet rumors thrive in the gaps of knowledge.

A rumor is a virus that infects the mind, spreading fear and uncertainty faster than any physical ailment.

A rumor is a virus that infects the mind, spreading fear and uncertainty faster than any physical ailment.

The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose, and it will defend itself against the rumors. Saint Augustine

A rumor is a social wildfire – let it spread, and it can consume everything in its path. Scott Westerfeld

A rumor is like a boomerang; once thrown, it can come back with unexpected consequences.

Rumors are like raindrops; they fall freely, but their impact can create floods of consequences.

Rumors are like melodies, catching the ear and lingering long after the song is done. Randy K. Milholland

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes. Mark Twain

Rumors are the weapons of the powerless, wielded in hopes of changing the course of the powerful.

Rumors are the weapons of the powerless, wielded in hopes of changing the course of the powerful.

Rumors are the artillery of the weak, aiming to destroy what they cannot conquer.

Rumors are the artillery of the weak, aiming to destroy what they cannot conquer.

Rumors are often more exciting than the truth because they are the product of imagination rather than evidence.

A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way. John Tudor

Rumors are created by the weak and interpreted by the ignorant.

Rumors are like the tail of a comet; they may be the last thing to arrive, but they leave a lasting impression.

Rumors are like the tail of a comet; they may be the last thing to arrive, but they leave a lasting impression.

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