Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. William Shakespeare

The first duty of a prince is to love his subjects. Is there any necessity to prove that this sentiment is just?

The first duty of a prince is to love his subjects. Is there any necessity to prove that this sentiment is just? Voltaire

Royalty is completely different than celebrity. Royalty has a magic all its own.

Royalty is completely different than celebrity. Royalty has a magic all its own. Philip Treacy

To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it.

To be a king and wear a crown is a thing more glorious to them that see it than it is pleasant to them that bear it. Elizabeth I

Kings have long arms, but misfortune longer ones.

Kings have long arms, but misfortune longer ones. Edward Counsel

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