A moment of joy and love as we #celebrate the ring ceremony.
#Celebrate your victories Be verbal about it Haters will say you're bragging but those who love you will #Celebrate with you..
#Celebrate every success but do not forget to reward yourself for overcoming your failures.

We have to #celebrate life where we find it.
In the circle of love we exchange rings and promises Let's #celebrate.
Together we stand united in love as we #celebrate our ring ceremony.
#Celebrate your life you are your own light.
#Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.
#Celebrate the existence of yourself and the world as it is.
With this ring we begin our journey into forever Let's #celebrate.
Hand in hand heart to heart we #celebrate our beautiful ring ceremony.
Boundless love endless joy Let's #celebrate this ring ceremony.

#Celebrate what you want to see more of.

The more you praise and #celebrate your life the more there is in life to #celebrate..
A ring on the finger and a smile on the face – that's how we #celebrate.
#Celebrate every moment of life as a #festival Enjoy every moment with peace and joy..
#Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving make every day a holiday and #Celebrate just living..
A symbol of #unity a promise of forever Let the celebrations begin.
#Celebrate the small things and our lives become bigger than ever.