I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Henry David Thoreau

In the entire circle of the year, there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October. Alexander Smith

Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves! Humbert Wolfe

There are three things I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin.

There are three things I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin. Linus Van Pelt (Charles M. Schulz)

I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. Henry David Thoreau

When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 'tis near Halloween.

Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits. Samuel Butler

I can smell autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin and crisp sunburnt leaves.

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