Every picnic conceals a story within, a tale of laughter, joy, and memories.

A picnic is more than eating a meal; it is a pleasurable state of mind.
Picnics are the epitome of simplicity and happiness.
Picnics are the traditional way to sit down and eat in America.

A picnic is a tiny little vacation, built into your routine.
The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table... or on a picnic blanket.
A picnic is a state of mind and can be made anywhere.

Picnics: Where the ordinary becomes extraordinary with good company.
The real point of a picnic is to take pleasure in the simple things around us.
Picnics: where laughter is shared, memories are made, and worries are forgotten.
There is no picnicking without laughter, and there is no laughing without picnicking.

Life is a picnic. Enjoy it.
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.
A picnic is a state of mind, and when you arrive, you can be in any state of mind you want.
A picnic is worth a thousand words.
A picnic is a pause from life’s chaos to savor its simple delights.

In the company of good friends and a beautiful setting, every picnic is perfect.
A picnic is more than eating a meal; it is a pleasurable sate of mind.
A picnic is a temporary escape from the mundane to the magical.