Keep your #eye on the funny side 👁️.

Behind every successful ophthalmologist is a #patient with vision.

The moment you try to read the #eye chart without your glasses on.

It is the #eye of other people that ruin us If I were blind I would want neither fine clothes fine houses or fine furniture. Benjamin Franklin

The lighter side of #eye care 👁️😆.

Visionary humor: eye-catching and hilarious 👀😆

Retina-tickling jokes inbound 👁️😆

Optometrist's delight: Seeing the world through humor 🌎😄

In the blink of an #eye it's laughter 👁️😅.

Laughing until it's time for an #eye exam 😂👁️.

In the world of ophthalmology laughter is the best #medicine.

#Eye see you laughing 👀😂.

Humor: the best #medicine for blurry vision 😆.

From #eye exams to #eye-rolling jokes ophthalmology has it all..

I've got a vision for laughter in every #eye exam.

When your #optometrist asks if 'this one' or 'this one' is clearer and they both look the same.

Going for an #eye exam is like playing hide and seek with your own vision.

The #eye through which I see God is the same #eye through which God sees me; my #eye and God's #eye are one #eye one seeing one knowing one love..... Meister Eckhart

Bringing clarity to your world one #eye exam at a time.

Giggles so good they're retina-worthy 👀😄

A clear view of humor in every #eye exam 👓😂.

Life is short but my sight isn't thanks to my #eye#doctor..

When ophthalmologists tell jokes they have an #eye for humor.

When #optometry meets comedy you get a clear vision of fun.

#Eye see what you did there Ophthalmology humor at its best.

The soul fortunately has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the #eye. Charlotte Bronte

The #eye of the beholder sees the funniest things.

Seeing the humor in every retina-scratching moment

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