Onward and upward a nursing graduate's creed The journey's tough but I've succeeded

From stethoscope to #diploma the journey was worth every heartbeat.

The tassel was worth the hassle Proud nursing #graduate in the house.

Nursing cap tossed high dreams soaring higher #Graduated with determination and fire.

Officially a #graduate nurse 🌟 Excited to embark on this noble journey of healing and caring 💖.

#Diploma in hand dreams in my heart Nursing school you've played a pivotal part.

Stepping into a world of #possibilities Nursing graduation bliss.

Nursing cap check #Diploma check Ready to make a healing impact #Graduated and grateful..

Dressed in blue #diploma in hand Nursing graduation the start of my healing command.

Nursing cap on degree in hand – officially #graduated and ready to heal the world.

Caps off to a new chapter Officially a nursing #graduate and the journey continues.

A journey of stethoscopes and textbooks and now a #graduate ready for the next chapter.

Today I am not just a graduate; I am a nurse ready to make a difference 🌟 Thank you to everyone who believed in me 🙌

#Graduated with care ready to share.

The fireworks begin today Each <span style="background-color:#D300C5; color: #ffff">#diploma</span> is a lighted match Each one of you is a fuse.

The fireworks begin today Each #diploma is a lighted match Each one of you is a fuse. Edward Koch

Hashtags for Captions on Nursing Graduation

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