Palmer's compassion shines through in everything he does.

McGee's growth throughout the series is truly inspiring.

McGee's computer skills are top-notch, but his dad jokes need an upgrade.

From the field to the lab, the dialogue steals the show.

Abby's energy is contagious, just like her brilliance.

Laughing through crime scenes with the best NCIS one-liners.

When Gibbs gives you that stare, you know paperwork is coming.

The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Caught up in the thrill of NCIS one-liners and investigations.

The line between adventure and stupidity is often blurred.

In the world of investigations, words speak louder than actions.

Solving crimes and dropping one-liners with the NCIS crew.

Some lines are worth crossing if it means you'll find yourself on the other side.

Dive into the world of suspense with NCIS's memorable lines.

Elegance meets intelligence in every NCIS one-liner.

Life is like a line. The straighter it is, the smoother it flows.

Intriguing narratives unfold through NCIS's impactful one-liners.

Drawing a line in the sand is easy. The real challenge is not crossing it yourself.

Drawing a line in the sand is easy. The real challenge is not crossing it yourself.

Words that resonate, lines that captivate. That's NCIS excellence.

In the world of NCIS, one-liners are as sharp as the investigations.

Cracking cases, making jokes – the NCIS way of life.

Straighten your lines and you'll straighten your life.

There is no line between art and life; the line is art itself.

There is no line between art and life; the line is art itself.

Hashtags for Captions on NCIS Lines

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