The art of celebration requires both presence and perseverance.
Celebration is a song that carries us through the challenges of life.
Celebrate the small things and our hearts will overflow with gratitude.
To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.
The art of celebration is learning to rejoice in the everyday blessings of life.

It's a moment when the soul is lifted higher, spirits are refreshed, and joy becomes contagious.
Life is short, and it's up to you to make it sweet.
Celebrate what you want to see more of.
In the celebration of life and of your own being, keep alert for the unexpected.
Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!
Celebration is a kind of food we all need in our lives, and each individual brings a different recipe.

Celebrate the beauty of your own journey, even if no one else seems to understand it.

We should celebrate the milestones, as fleeting as they are, for they are the signposts of life's journey.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.
Every day is a celebration of life, every moment a chance to cherish and be grateful for.
Celebration is the spontaneous overflow of the human spirit.
The celebration is a remembering, a revisiting, or rather a revisualizing of one's life.
We should not only celebrate the end of a journey, but the journey itself.
There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate.