#Singing the songs of yesterday dreaming of tomorrow.
Turn up the volume and let the #music drown out the noise.
Play it loud #live it proud.
#Lyrics that speak to the soul.
In every #song find a reason to smile.
#Music is my escape from reality.
When words fail #music speaks.
In the silence of the night let the #music guide you.
Where words leave off #music begins.

#Music is the strongest form of magic.
Soulful melodies heart-touching #lyrics.
Embrace the magic of #musical moments.
Echoes of melodies linger long after the #song ends.
#Lyrics like poetry melodies like art.
Let the #lyrics write the story of your heart.
Chasing dreams to the #beat of my favorite songs.
#Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.
#Music is the divine way to tell beautiful poetic things to the heart.
Creating memories with every #beat.
Let the #music be your compass in the journey of life.
Let the #music take you on a journey.
#Singing along to the soundtrack of life.
#Music can change the world.

#Music is the soundtrack of your life.
Embrace the silence between the #beats.

One good thing about #music when it hits you you feel no pain.
#Music is the shorthand of emotion.
Soulful #beats timeless melodies.
#Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence.
#Music is the language of the spirit It opens the secret of life bringing peace abolishing strife.
#Music acts like a magic key to which the most tightly closed heart opens.

Without #music life would be a mistake.
In a world of chaos find solace in a #song.
Let the #music speak for itself.
Feel the #beat feel alive.
#Music is the art of thinking with sounds.
My mood depends on the #song playing.
Life's a #song#sing along..
When life throws you a #beat just dance.
#Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.
#Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.
In love with the melody addicted to the #lyrics.
Let the #music move you to places words cannot reach.
#Music is the universal language of mankind.
Where there is #music there is hope.
The #music never stops neither do I.
Feeling every #beat every lyric.
#Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
Life seems to go on without effort when I am filled with #music.
Where words fail #music speaks.
#Music gives a soul to the universe wings to the mind flight to the imagination and life to everything.
Every #song has a story every #beat a feeling..
Embracing the #beats of change.
Words whispered softly by the #music of the night.