Lafayette, the friend of my heart, and adopted son of Mount Vernon.
I pronounce with the utmost sincerity, a young general, the now Marquis de Lafayette, who arrives with glory from the court of France.
Bravery is always respected, especially in one so young.
Lafayette, more than any other man, has contributed to the triumph of liberty in America.
Lafayette, without the promptings of hope, or the fear of punishment, can never cease to be virtuous.

Lafayette, we are united! Lafayette, we are free!
I would have been happy at any time to have made that man my son.
Lafayette, we shall never forget that name!
The Marquis de Lafayette has done more for the cause of liberty than any man who ever served in the American army.
Lafayette, in the name of the French people, accept this flag, which is the symbol of the triumph of liberty and the union of two republics.
Lafayette, we are here!

The aid of France, Lafayette, is more to us than fleets and armies.

Heroism, devotion, and loyalty were never more conspicuous than in the conduct of Lafayette.
Lafayette was the friend of liberty. His name, now and in the ages to come, shall be the boast of the West.
The Marquis de Lafayette is an adopted son of America. He came to us in the time of need, and his services have endeared him to every heart.
The Marquis de Lafayette was a shining example of the power one person can have in making a difference.

The greatest general that Washington has, is the Marquis de Lafayette.
Lafayette, though born in a foreign land, you are regarded as a native-born son of America.

The great Lafayette, whose name will be consecrated in history as long as valor, virtue, and loyalty are esteemed among mankind.