Wandering through Italy's charming villages, each a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
Traveling is the ruin of all happiness! There's no looking at a building after seeing Italy.
In Italy, food is an expression of love. It is how you show those around you that you care for them.
Italy, the most beautiful country of all, combines the advantages of a great museum and long walks in the open air.

To be sure after crossing the Rubicon everything is clear, but to act without crossing it is difficult.
In Italy, they take cheap shots at you for being American, and they'll never let you forget that you're an outsider.

Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy.
Italians know that what matters is style, not fashion. Italian style does not have social or age boundaries.
Chasing sunsets on the cliffs of Cinque Terre, where the sky meets the sea in harmony.