Letting the #music guide our steps in the realm of hip hop.

The truest expression of a people is in its dance and in its #music Bodies never lie. Agnes De Mille

Dance like nobody's watching but make it a #performance they'll never forget.

Grooving to the beats feeling the #music in my soul Hip Hop my heart's language.

#Dancing with the feet is one thing but #Dancing with the heart is another..

There are shortcuts to happiness and #dancing is one of them. Vicki Baum

Dance is a #song of the body Either of joy or pain. Martha Graham

<span style="background-color:#D300C5; color: #ffff">#Dancing</span> is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment.

#Dancing is creating a sculpture that is visible only for a moment. Erol Ozan

#Dancing like nobody's watching especially when they are.

Hashtags for Captions on Hip Hop Moves

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