Inhale the aroma exhale the stress That's the power of a frappe #break.
I'd rather take #coffee than compliments just now.
Reviving spirits with a refreshing frappe #break.
Life's too short for bad #coffee Enjoy a perfect frappe moment.
Bringing a touch of happiness to every #coffee lover's day with our frappes.
Life's too short for bad #coffee Choose frappe choose happiness.
#Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven.
I have measured out my life with #coffee spoons.
#Unwind and recharge with the comforting embrace of a frappe hug.
Life's too short for boring #coffee Spice it up with a frappe adventure.
#Espresso yourself with a frappe pick-me-up ☕💁.

#Coffee first Schemes later.
#Coffee is a hug in a mug.

#Coffee is always a good idea.
Elevating your #coffee game with a frothy treat.
Life is too short for bad #coffee.
#Coffee makes everything possible.
Sippin' on that frappe livin' the #latte life.
As long as there was #coffee in the world how bad could things be?.
Frappe dreams and #coffee schemes ☁️☕.
To me the smell of fresh-made #coffee is one of the greatest inventions.
I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of #coffee.

#Coffee is a language in itself.

I never laugh until I've had my #coffee.
#Coffee the favorite drink of the civilized world.
#Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with.
Adventure in life is good; consistency in #coffee even better.
#Coffee is a way of stealing time that should by rights belong to your older self.
Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of #coffee.