Foolishness is an art, and we're the masters of it!

In a world full of serious people, be the fool who brings joy.

Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and fools are forever.

When life gives you idiots, you know you're in for a wild ride.

In the game of foolishness, we're the reigning champions.

Because normal is overrated. Here's to the brilliantly foolish!

Being foolish together strengthens the bonds of friendship.

Foolishness is the glue that holds our friendship together.

Surround yourself with idiots, it's cheaper than therapy.

No dull moments with these fools around. Pure bliss!

Life's a party, especially with idiotic pals like mine.

Surround yourself with those who make even the silliest moments unforgettable.

If being foolish was a sport, we'd be gold medalists.

Creating unforgettable memories with my favorite bunch of fools.

Our friendship is like a fine wine - it gets better with a hint of foolishness.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. George Bernard Shaw

The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters. Audrey Hepburn

Surround yourself with those who bring out your inner goofiness.

Idiot friends make the best stories and the most unforgettable memories.

Life is better when you're laughing uncontrollably with your idiot friends.

We might be idiots, but we're each other's favorite kind of idiots.

Cheers to the ones who turn ordinary moments into extraordinary laughs.

No dull moments when you're with the right bunch of idiots.

Life's too short to be serious all the time. Enjoy the silliness with idiot friends.

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. E. E. Cummings

Our friendship is the perfect blend of chaos and laughter.

Foolishness is the spice of life, sprinkle it generously.

Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.

Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs. Kin Hubbard

Because the best memories are made with the craziest companions.

Cheers to the ones who add a dash of foolishness to my life.

In the kingdom of fools, laughter is the crown jewel.

Life is short, surround yourself with people who make it shorter!

When life gives you idiot friends, make unforgettable memories.

When life gets dull, surround yourself with the brightest bunch of fools.

They say laughter is the best medicine, but my friends are a close second.

Surround yourself with those who make your heart lighter and your laughter louder.

In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play. Friedrich Nietzsche

Laughter is the best therapy, especially with these idiots.

Being serious is overrated. Cheers to silly moments!

Friends don't let friends do silly things alone. That's what smartphones are for!

Our level of stupidity is directly proportional to the amount of fun we have.

My circle is so small, it's practically a dot. But it's a hilarious dot!

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