Go ahead, make my day. Clint Eastwood

I see dead people.

I see dead people. Haley Joel Osment

Here's Johnny! Jack Nicholson

Just keep swimming. Ellen DeGeneres

You can't handle the truth! Jack Nicholson

Hasta la vista, baby. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Bond. James Bond.

Bond. James Bond. Sean Connery

Houston, we have a problem. Tom Hanks (as Jim Lovell)

To infinity and beyond! Tim Allen

Here's to the ones who dream. Emma Stone

I'm king of the world! Leonardo DiCaprio

There's no place like home. Judy Garland

I am your father. David Prowse (as Darth Vader)

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Clark Gable

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. Tom Hanks

E.T. phone home. Drew Barrymore

Here's looking at you, kid. Humphrey Bogart

May the Force be with you. George Lucas

I'll be back.

I'll be back. Arnold Schwarzenegger

You talking to me? Robert De Niro

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