Adoption is not the call to have the perfect, rosy family. It is the call to give love, mercy, and patience.
Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.
Adoption is not about giving a child away, it's about giving a child a chance.
The adoption was not a rejection, but an invitation to love and grow.
Families don't have to match. You don't have to look like someone else to love them.
Adoption is not a birthmother's rejection but an unconditional love that inspires her to put herself last and do all she can for her baby.
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.
Adoption is the choice to love someone unconditionally with all your heart.
The adoption journey is an incredible mix of emotions - from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows.
Adoption is the greatest proof of the strength of the human heart.
Adopting one child won't change the world; but for that child, the world will change.

In adoption, every day is a miracle, and every challenge is an opportunity for growth.

A child born to another woman calls me mommy. The magnitude of that tragedy and the depth of that privilege are not lost on me.

Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy's heart instead of her tummy.
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
Adoption is not about finding children for families, it's about finding families for children.
Adoption is a journey of faith, hope, and love.
Adopting a child won't change the world, but for that child, the world will change.
There are no unwanted children, just unfound families.