Daydreaming about running into my celebrity crush at the grocery store like it's a rom-com plot. 🛒💕

If my celebrity crush ever needs a sidekick, I'll be the first in line with a cape and a smile. 😊

I never ever thought I'd like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often.

If Google searches could measure love, my celebrity crush would be at the top of the charts. 🔝

Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now. Busy daydreaming about my celebrity crush. ☁️

If my celebrity crush ever needs saving, I've got a cape and a heart full of admiration ready to go. 💖

My celebrity crush: the reason why my heart races at the mere mention of their name. 💓

There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.

There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment. Sarah Dessen

Just thinking about you brings a smile to face, a twinkle to my eye, and a skipped beat to my heart.

Every retweet from my celebrity crush feels like a tiny victory in the battle for their attention. 🏆

Sometimes all it takes is a single glance from my celebrity crush to make my entire day. 👀

My celebrity crush: the reason why my playlist is filled with love songs and daydreams. 🎶

They say never meet your heroes, but I'd risk it all for just one moment with my celebrity crush.

Not sure if I'm more in love with my celebrity crush or the idea of my celebrity crush. 💭

From posters on my wall to screens on my phone, my celebrity crush is always in sight.

Just a girl/guy standing in front of a screen, asking my celebrity crush to love me back. 💔

My celebrity crush is the reason my heart beats a little faster and my smile shines a little brighter.

Spending my days dreaming about my celebrity crush and my nights wishing for just one chance encounter. 🌙

Casually pretending I didn't just binge-watch every movie my celebrity crush has ever been in. 🎬

The mark of a true crush... is that you fall in love first and grope for reasons afterward. Shana Alexander

Just another day, another daydream about my celebrity crush. Some things never change. ☁️

Starry-eyed and star-struck, my celebrity crush shines brighter than any constellation. ✨

My celebrity crush is the inspiration behind every daydream and the motivation for every goal.

Just casually rearranging my schedule to make room for any potential celebrity crush sightings. 💁‍♂️

Spending way too much time stalking my celebrity crush's social media like it's my job. 👀

Crushes are more beautiful than affairs because there is no responsibility, no worry, no commitment. Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot.

Crushes are more beautiful than affairs because there is no responsibility, no worry, no commitment. Just look at your crush and smile like an idiot.

Every Instagram like from my celebrity crush feels like a validation of my existence. ❤️

Me pretending to be surprised when someone mentions my celebrity crush for the 100th time. 😂

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