Sometimes, the only way to get what you want is to be everything they said you couldn't be. Julie Newmar

Feline grace, killer instinct - the perfect combination. Ann Nocenti

You have to be who you are. No point in living without knowing who you are.

You have to be who you are. No point in living without knowing who you are. Darwyn Cooke

Sometimes the best way to catch your breath is to lose it completely.

Sometimes the best way to catch your breath is to lose it completely. Cameron Stewart

I am Catwoman. Hear me roar. Michelle Pfeiffer

I'm not a do-gooder. I'm a do-badder. Will Pfeifer

Life's a bitch. Now so am I. Ed Brubaker

Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it. Selina Kyle (Catwoman)

In a man's world, I rule the roost and wear the claws. Darwyn Cooke

I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier. Frank Miller

I am not a cat. I don't purr.

I am not a cat. I don't purr. Jeph Loeb

I am a woman who knows how to get things done, and I do not take no for an answer. Joelle Jones

To live like a cat is to live in the moment, always on the edge.

To live like a cat is to live in the moment, always on the edge. Gail Simone

Life is full of hardship. It's time to learn how to enjoy the climb. Sarah J. Maas

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and littered with broken glass. Genevieve Valentine

The Catwoman isn't seeking a fresh start. She's simply adding a new chapter to her story. Judd Winick

Catwoman is my redemption. She's my chance to do good.

Catwoman is my redemption. She's my chance to do good. Jo Duffy

I don't break hearts. I just break rules, and maybe a few bones. Ed Brubaker

The thrill of the chase is intoxicating, but I won't be caught. Joelle Jones

I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning cat burglar. Tom King

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