Stepping up my game to reach #new heights.

Rising to #new challenges.

Ready to take on #new challenges and opportunities.

When the #boss finally recognizes your brilliance and hands you that promotion.

There is no such thing as a permanent <span style="background-color:#7638FA; color: #ffff">#advertising</span> success.

There is no such thing as a permanent #advertising success. Leo Burnett

Scaling #new heights in my professional journey.

Seizing opportunities and reaching #new heights.

Doing #business without #advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark You know what you are doing but nobody else does.. Steuart Henderson Britt

The aim of #marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. Peter Drucker

If you don't drive your <span style="background-color:#FFD600">#business</span> you will be driven out of <span style="background-color:#FF7A00; color: #ffff">#business</span>..

If you don't drive your #business you will be driven out of #business.. B. C. Forbes

#Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make It is the art of creating genuine customer value. Philip Kotler

Good #advertising does not just circulate information It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. Leo Burnett

A satisfied customer is the best <span style="background-color:#7638FA; color: #ffff">#business</span> strategy of all.

A satisfied customer is the best #business strategy of all. Michael LeBoeuf

Stepping into a #new chapter of my career.

#Advertising is only evil when it advertises evil things. David Ogilvy

In the modern world of #business it is useless to be a creative original thinker unless you can also sell what you create. David Ogilvy

In #advertising not to be different is virtually suicidal. William Bernbach

Here's to reaching #new heights in my profession.

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