The man who does not <span style="background-color:#FFD600">#read</span> has no advantage over the man who cannot <span style="background-color:#FF7A00; color: #ffff">#read</span>..

The man who does not #read has no advantage over the man who cannot #read.. Mark Twain

I do believe something very magical can happen when you <span style="background-color:#FF0069; color: #ffff">#read</span> a good <span style="background-color:#D300C5; color: #ffff">#book</span>..

I do believe something very magical can happen when you #read a good #book.. J. K. Rowling

A <span style="background-color:#7638FA; color: #ffff">#book</span> is like a garden carried in the pocket.

A #book is like a garden carried in the pocket. Chinese Proverb

The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the <span style="background-color:#FFD600">#library</span>.

The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the #library. Albert Einstein

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