Life is short, make the best of it. Bollywood can wait.

In Bollywood, success and failure go hand in hand. You learn from both equally.
Bollywood is a mirror to society. It reflects what's happening in the real world.
Bollywood is constantly evolving. What worked yesterday might not work today.
Bollywood is not just a film industry, it's a phenomenon.

In Bollywood, you're only as good as your last film.

In Bollywood, it's not about how talented you are, it's about who you know.
Bollywood is a melting pot of talent, where creativity knows no bounds.
Bollywood is all about dreams. It's a place where dreams come true.
Bollywood is an emotion. It touches the heart of millions.
Bollywood is a passion. You don't choose it, it chooses you.
In Bollywood, you're married to your work. You don't have time to do anything else.