#Eyes on the horizon not the camera 🌅.
My #eyes are on the future not on the present gaze.
#Eyes everywhere but on the lens 👀.
#Eyes exploring the landscapes of imagination avoiding the familiar paths.
Avoiding #eye contact but embracing soulful connections.
In a world full of #eyes mine are on the horizon.
When #eyes speak louder than words.
#Eyes exploring everything but the camera 🌎.
Dodging #eye contact mastering the dance of solitude.
Capturing moments without the need for #eye contact.
Avoiding #eye contact diving into dreams.
Sometimes the view is clearer when the #eyes don't meet.
I like to look #people in the #eye I can always tell if they're lying to me..
Avoiding #eye contact but connecting with the universe.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new #eyes.
Avoiding #eye contact embracing self-discovery.
#Eyes exploring the poetry written between the lines.
Lost in the depth of the moment #eyes searching for meaning.

A smile can hide the #emotions that the #eyes can't..
Me trying to avoid making awkward #eye contact with everyone.
#Eyes on the road less traveled not on the beaten path.
#Eyes wandering mind pondering heart wondering.
Distracted by dreams not by #eye contact 💤.
The #eyes are the window to the soul.
#Eyes diverted thoughts wandering.
Not avoiding #eye contact just creating space for inner dialogue.
Look me in the #eye and say that.
#Eyes on dreams not the lens ✨.
The #eyes are the messengers of the soul We keep our #eyes open we see and we know..
The #eye is always caught by light but #shadows have more to say..
#Eyes on the pages of my own story not on the distractions of others.
When words fail let the #eyes do the talking.
The #eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your #eyes or just staring into space.
When the camera catches you dodging #eye contact like a pro.
In a world full of #eye contact be a master of meaningful glances.
Avoiding #eye contact like it's my job oh wait it kind of is.
Lost in the world of my own thoughts avoiding #eye traffic.
The beauty that addresses itself to the ##eyes is only the spell of the moment; the #eye of the body is not always that of the soul...
#Eyes are the mirror of the soul.
Avoiding #eye contact like a professional daydreamer 💼.
The soul fortunately has an interpreter - often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter - in the #eye.

Where words are restrained the #eyes often talk a great deal.
#Eye contact? Nah I'm on a different wavelength 🚀.
Avoiding #eye contact like it's a workout for the soul.
#Eyes adrift in a sea of thoughts avoiding the waves of distraction.
#Eyes that wander searching for untold stories.
Not avoiding #eye contact just embracing the art of introspection.

I shut my #eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my #eyes and all is born again..

The #face is a picture of the mind with the #eyes as its interpreter..
The #eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.
My #eyes have a mind of their own and they've decided the camera is off-limits today.
#Eyes focused on the melody of silence.
Dodging #eye contact like a ninja in the art of self-reflection.
Breaking the #eye contact rulebook 📚.
In a world full of #eye contact I choose the language of silence.
#Eyes wandering thoughts pondering.
Sometimes the best conversations happen without #eye contact.