To lead others, you must first lead yourself.
An alpha knows when to fight and when to walk away.

Alpha is not a position; it's a mindset.
A true alpha knows the difference between confidence and arrogance.
The alpha understands that true power comes from within.
The alpha is the lion of the tribe, the king of the pack.
I'm an alpha male, and I follow no one.
Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge.
In the pack of life, the alpha leads by example.
An alpha doesn't seek validation; they validate themselves.

The alpha knows when to speak up and when to listen.
In the world of the alpha, no one follows. They lead.
A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.
Alpha is not about being first, but about being the best.
The true alpha is the leader who serves.
Being an alpha means being unapologetically yourself.
The alpha and omega of a truly successful life is to live your own truth.
In the dance of life, the alpha sets the rhythm.
To be an alpha, you must be comfortable in solitude.

An alpha male is defined by his actions, not his words.